Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Privacy Oh My!

Artificial Intelligence happens to be a very interesting topic to discuss nowadays as the making of robots and intelligent machines has taken a whole new dimension. The whole idea of Artificial Intelligence is beautiful and most human beings believe that it is of course going to be a huge help for the human race in terms of a lot of many different things. There could be a lot of pros but there are certainly some cons as well. Cons that to me are going to go to the extreme. For example, when I think about the idea that human and robot sex might be very common, it seems and sounds very ridiculous. At the same time it is going to raise lots and lots of ethical questions. Should we make robots to go as far as to that extent?

I personally do not think that Artificial Intelligence is going to be able to provide us with robots that are going to act, feel, reason or think or process information exactly as how humans do. Technology can try but it will not be successful. As we discussed in class, human beings are limitless until death. Robots can be limitless from a programmer’s point of view but this limitless won’t be exactly as that of human beings. There is always going to be how far a robot can go as far as doing things in comparison to what human beings can do. Human beings are extraordinary creations and technology could only cause modifications to humans through genetic engineering of some sort to cause mutations etc. but technology cannot create for us what feel emotions, acts, and processes information exactly as humans. Maybe part of the human population will believe in AI to that extent since human beings nowadays are easily manipulated anyways. I personally do not believe in AI to that extent and I am studying Computer Science.

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