Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What Makes a Community?

What makes a community depends on what one view as an association of a group of people or the feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. In regards to living and working the virtual world, a community is a group of people living in different geographic locations but have a particular characteristic in common such as doing most of their work, hobbies, interests etc. on the Internet through the World Wide Web.

We live a greater percentage of our lives virtually now through the Internet. Through this Internet is where we even make most of our friends. We shop, eat, do almost everything through the use of the Internet. A good example is Amazon, Facebook etc. Usually, what we call a community is an online forum. These online forums are usually meeting places, or mediums where ideas and views, or answers on a particular issue can be exchanged. For example, the BMW forum is a place online where individuals who own or have owned a BMW vehicle before exchange ideas and other information with other members online. These ideas are usually mechanical, electrical, durability amongst others issues which relates to the BMW vehicles and motors.

Nowadays we have even more online communities. Most of these are based off of Facebook where most groups are formed to hold meetings for both business and recreational purposes. Communities could be both profit and non-profit. Even if a place, meeting, or a medium is made where anybody could join in and speak whatever is on their mind, we can still consider that a community.

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