Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dot.Com to Dot.Bomb

This is some interesting stuff. Looking at how the World Wide Web came around in the 90s and how many different companies took the step in doing some bigger things with it and how many of these companies really survived the competition is quite incredible.

The whole World Wide Web explosion required a lot of thinking and creativity to be able to survive existence. To me, it is kind of like survival of the fittest. Looking at Yahoo, AOL etc., it is surprising to learn how they were able to make it and how the others did not. Amazon was predicted as a company that would not be able to go far but now it has turned into one of the biggest companies in the world, which operates typically on the Internet. EBay on the other hand is doing a great job too and holding its businesses online just like Amazon. Now, there are numerous companies that operate their businesses solely or partially through the Internet and with the use of brilliant ideas, there is a virtual world in which we live in and we are able to associate ourselves with this virtual reality and make sure that it satisfies us.

A lot of this also becomes successful nowadays through the use of social media and other forms of socialization. Technology now is like a disease and it makes sure that everybody stays up to date with it and is infected from it.  We don’t necessarily have to need something off the Internet before we get it. Usually now, we get things through association with a person or persons etc. This disease is incurable.

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